Knowledge Core

Our marketing and business development strategies are based firmly on research.


We are far more than a Sydney market research agency. We are a partner in building your business. Market research, and its findings, only becomes relevant when it’s firmly linked to your business strategies and it uncovers how you can increase revenue by:

  • focusing on ways to deepen client relationships
  • identifying new business opportunities
  • highlighting new market opportunities or gaps in the sales process and relationship dynamics.

With over 26 years in business development and marketing, our methodologies are founded on the premise of bridging the divide between marketing and sales. We are constantly looking at how you can make more money and have more profitable relationships.
When we are researching, both qualitative and quantitative research techniques are implemented.
Our qualitative research process draws out the underlying subjective drivers that underpin decision-making, using a number of methods:

  • Observing participants
  • Interrogating field notes
  • Conducting, structured and semi- structured in-depth interviews with individuals
  • Holding focus groups, and
  • Analysing third party academic and industry research and commentary.

Our quantitative research process looks at the causal effects of variables, analysing the relationships between the different variables. This helps us determine which has the greatest impact and which will uncover the most relevant answers.
Our Client Research:

  • Gauges the pulse of the relationships
  • Looks at how and why clients leave interviews
  • Investigates proposals and tenders that have not gained business

We do this by ensuring that all communication bypasses subconscious pre-conceived perceptions and judgements that unwittingly undermine the success of:

  • your proposal,
  • your solution and

Our role is to ensure that the research outcomes we find optimise your firms ability to win more profitable work. It is for this reason that we stand by our Guarantee!

Our Guarantee
We guarantee not to deliver a formulaic approach. We will continually review and refine our approach to ensure our findings and recommendations are both relevant and current.

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